Uniface User Forum

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1 to 50 of 2995 threads (13.5K total posts)
  Thread Subject Replies Last Post Status
Funky white frame around edit box
0 12 hours ago by Knut Dybendahl
Mouse pointer lost
3 2 days ago by Ingo Stiller
Original post by Jérémie CEDOLIN
IDE_API_n : Get current position in a ProcContainer
16 4 days ago by Ingo Stiller
Reserved Words in MySQL 8
2 7 days ago by Jérémie CEDOLIN
Reserved Words in MySQL 8
2 7 days ago by Jérémie CEDOLIN
Web service in Uniface 10
5 8 days ago by Iain Sharp
Original post by Andrew Wyss
Problem with F1 key in the IDE
6 9 days ago by Ingo Stiller
Original post by Norbert Lauterbach
Error with IDE on a modified UXGROUP
4 14 days ago by Osman Shariff
Original post by Ingo Stiller
Question about IDE/IDE-Plugin and transactions
0 15 days ago by Ingo Stiller
How many person months did your application require for upgrading to a major Uniface version?
5 18 days ago by Yaki Beja
UDBG.CNF : Developer dependent naming?
9 18 days ago by Bertrand Daene
Original post by Ingo Stiller
How to copy&paste text from one script-container into another ?
1 18 days ago by Osman Shariff
Original post by Ingo Stiller
Uniface 9 has stopped working.
6 21 days ago by Michael Rösch
Original post by Stanley Odukoya
How do I get an access token from ADFS via a web call?
2 24 days ago by Private Private
Adding Web interface to old Uniface Applications
6 one month ago by Roger Wallin
Original post by Yaki Beja
As there is no wish list yet :two small wishes :-)
8 one month ago by Iain Sharp
Original post by Ingo Stiller
Session not maintained on mobile
1 one month ago by Jérémie CEDOLIN
Error when renaming sub-entities?
0 one month ago by Ingo Stiller
Formating proc code: how?
12 one month ago by Michael Taylor
Original post by Ingo Stiller
Problems with Tomcat9
0 one month ago by Erhan Gunbulut
ORACLE Driver Error [-80]: Column has incorrect ORACLE storage format
4 one month ago by Richard de Vries
Migrating Old Uniface Applications that are based on Uniface 7 & Uniface 8.4
12 one month ago by Osman Shariff
Original post by Yaki Beja
Pb with ORA71.dll in the Install of Uniface 10.4.01 64 bits) on a windows server 2019
3 one month ago by Hortion Gilles
Original post by Daniel Cabero
Font/Form sizes in 10.4
1 one month ago by Ingo Stiller
Original post by Iain Sharp
delete instance & open cursors
5 one month ago by Osman Shariff
$encode/$decode "TWOFISH": a little warning
4 one month ago by Peter Beugel
Original post by Ingo Stiller
Pre processor not longer "pre" ?
3 one month ago by Ingo Stiller
Get Echap in Html Widget
2 one month ago by Jérémie CEDOLIN
$ude("compile",...) IDF crash with the first call to procedure after $UDE
7 one month ago by Ingo Stiller
Compatibility between UnifAce and UnifAce
1 one month ago by Jonke Korzelius
Original post by Ingo Stiller
in Dynamic Server Page Component
2 one month ago by Ingo Stiller
Original post by Mohamed Ahmd
My First Web Project Project
1 one month ago by Jason Huggins
Original post by Mohamed Ahmd
Logging on to Uniface Anywhere
3 one month ago by Nico Peereboom
Original post by Roger Wallin
0 one month ago by Suresh Anbil
Emailing with DKIM / Uniface 10.4
1 2 months ago by Juliano Anoar Haoach Garcia
Original post by Jérémie CEDOLIN
Libreoffice integration
4 2 months ago by Gianni Sandigliano
Original post by Simone Pecchenino
Verify Pathname after changing it dynamically
7 2 months ago by Ingo Stiller
Original post by Jérémie CEDOLIN
Userver log files
5 2 months ago by Simone Pecchenino
Uniface 10.4.02 Sentinel license
9 2 months ago by Roger Wallin
Azure SQL managed instance
5 3 months ago by Vratislav Fabian
Original post by Daniel Cabero
delete many component signatures
4 3 months ago by Osman Shariff
Check on FRLF and depending on answer saty or leave form ...
11 3 months ago by Ingo Stiller
Uniface10 Deployment Archive 9 3 months ago by Roger Wallin
unifacetriggers won't work twice in a row.
3 3 months ago by Hortion Gilles
Original post by Iain Sharp
Convert $datim to ZULU
15 3 months ago by Ingo Stiller
Original post by Knut Dybendahl
Missing features in U10 IDE: User keys
4 3 months ago by Osman Shariff
Original post by Brendan Loughlin
Copy uniface source code into an editbox with gold characters
4 3 months ago by Osman Shariff
Sentiel issue(s)
11 4 months ago by Knut Dybendahl
Secondary Form attacted(not floating) to primary form when not wanted
1 4 months ago by Osman Shariff
Form Scroll bar reliant on form width (not dynamic)
0 4 months ago by Osman Shariff

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