MultiValue Tools

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Rocket MV offers a variety of tools for your Rocket MVAS including: application development, .NET interfaces, object-based interfaces, standard drivers for tools and APIs, terminal emulation, web application development, access to remote databases including Oracle, backup, and more.

Rocket® MultiValue Integration Server (MVIS) empowers teams to leverage modern languages and frameworks to access MV data and business logic. It incorporates a low-code/no-code approach that’s cloud-ready, and provides users with 24x7x365 connectivity. It can help you extend business opportunities, expand your workforce with younger developers, and get products to market faster. For more information, please visit the MVIS product page.

The Rocket® U2 Web Development Environment (Web DE) is a tool to abstract data and business logic in server-side objects that follow industry standards for use in web and mobile applications. It ensures maximum business uptime and eliminates interruptions to business operations, and if you need to change your interface, you can simply reuse existing objects. See the U2 Web DE product page for more info.

Rocket® wIntegrate and AccuTerm provide a secure and powerful user interface for MultiValue databases. The MV terminal emulators let you integrate and transform character-based applications quickly and cost-effectively so that you can revitalize existing applications with a graphical user interface. See the wIntegrate and AccuTerm product pages for more info.

Rocket® SystemBuilder Extensible Architecture (SB/XA) is a tool for rapidly building robust business solutions. It simplifies development of applications by offering both a standard format to follow when writing code as well as shortcuts that produce suggested code based on user-selected options. Cost of ownership becomes lower, code reusability goes up, and software enhancements become easier.

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  • Upgrade to SystemBuilder Extensible Architecture (SB/XA) 6.6.1 for improved performance and reliabil

    SB/XA 6.6.1 is now available and includes a lot of smaller enhancements that add up to big improvements, especially if you have an IT group that requires ... More
  • Rocket® MultiValue Integration Server 2.1 is GA

    Rocket MultiValue Integration Server (MVIS) 2.1.0, available today, is a major release with significant new features and enhancements. To learn more ... More