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 unidata disabled

Kevin Hond's profile image
Kevin Hond posted 12-11-2023 09:16

It seems that whenever I reboot my Windows PC, the Unidata database 8.2 and the Unidata 8.2 Telnet services are both 'disabled'.

I use CCleaner and McAfee anti virus. Could it be that one of these is doing it. Or perhaps something else. Anyone got a clue on this one?

John Jenkins's profile image
John Jenkins


Check the Windows Services applet and make sure that services are set to start and have not become disabled. I would not expect CCCleaner to have any effect but if McAfee was locking things down for some sort of start-up scan on a  reboot it might explain it. A few tests

  • Using the Windows Services applet:
    •  stop UniData
    • use  Task Manager to verify that ALL the UniData services have stopped
    • start UniData
    • Do all the services come up normally?

If the all start it does point at a start-up issue. Try temporarily disabling McAfee and see if it makes a difference.



C.B. McCoy's profile image

I have the same issue. I did a clean install (removed old version and installed new version) but the two services won't start. The log shows that the license is expired. It's a download from last week. The Uni RPC Service is loading fine. The Windows Services applet shows that both services are enabled for startup.

John Jenkins's profile image
John Jenkins

C.B. McCoy

If this is a Personal Edition then likely it has time-expired (they have inbuilt expiry dates). I recomemnd outting in a NEW request for a Personal Edition - do not attempt to re-use an earlier PE edition that you requested.
