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  • 1.  How to interpret double entries of a suspended object in Sync Check report?

    Posted 09-21-2023 21:36
    Edited by Satid Singkorapoom 09-21-2023 21:38


    In the past few days in the morning, I run Sync Check without checksum (always finished in about 5 minutes) and find one suspended object reported every time. When I look at the object, it's always the same table and I always activate it with *SAVRST and all appears to be fine.   But when I decide to look at spooled file of the Sync Check report, I see the following and am confused as to why there are 2 entries of the same file.   How do I interpret what is shown below?

                                   Attribute Difference Details                                               
                 Path Name or     Source      Target      Object    Member/format/                            
     Group       Object           library     library     type      field name     Attribute                  
     GRPDAY      X3AAAALOG         LIBX        LIBX       *FILE     X3AAAALOG      Current number of records  
     Value on primary node:   599899                                                                          
     Value on backup node:    599867                                                                          
     GRPDAY      X3AAAALOG         LIBX        LIBX       *FILE     X3AAAALOG      Number of deleted records  
     Value on primary node:   0                                                                               
     Value on backup node:    32                                                                              
     Sync check report complete.                                                                              

    Satid Singkorapoom
    IBM i SME
    Rocket Forum Shared Account

  • 2.  RE: How to interpret double entries of a suspended object in Sync Check report?

    Posted 09-21-2023 23:44

    One record shows the differences in "Current number of records" and the other shows the differences in "Number of deleted records".

    Jason Sun
    Rocket iCluster Development Team

  • 3.  RE: How to interpret double entries of a suspended object in Sync Check report?

    Posted 09-22-2023 00:18
    Edited by Mark Watts 09-22-2023 00:29

    Hi Satid,

    In addition to the sync check results when running an attribute sync check (*FULL) it is also consider 'when' it is running and other active tasks.  This file being a log file (by its name) could help us understand how it is extended. Typically records to a log file are simply appended to the end.  Random record deletion seldom is used (but not impossible) so the file showing two exceptions for 'current number of records' and 'number of deleted records' hints to this file being highly active at the time the sync check is running (or suggests there is some latency in the replication at the time of the sync check).  The source file has more records than the target by a relatively small number and the backup shows some deleted records while the primary shows none.  I would adjust the time of the sync check and see if you can avoid the task that is making a sync check of this pair difficult.  I feel confident that the file is likely "in sync" occasionally however the timing of the validation/sync check is responsible for the exceptions.  Try understanding what is happening to the file and see if there is a quieter time that would better support a verification of fidelity.  (Same would be true with refreshing it if possible)

    Mark Watts
    Software Engineer
    Rocket Software Inc
    Waltham MA US