Rocket DevOps (formerly Rocket Aldon)

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The Rocket® DevOps (formerly Aldon) forum is designed to help IBM® i and DevOps pros do their jobs better, faster, securely and efficiently. The Rocket® DevOps platform enables true end-to-end continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD) for multi-code environments that include IBM® i. Explore how to automate everything from the moment a business request comes in until an application is delivered to production, with full audit tracking and compliance reporting. 

Ask a question, share your successes or learn about what's new and what's next, along with your fellow users and Rocketeers from across our organization. 

By leveraging Rocket® DevOps, development and IT teams with multi-platform production environments can meet customers’ expectations for agile and secure processes that allow businesses to excel. For more information about Rocket® DevOps visit the product page.

NOTE -  For specific support issues for your company/environment, may also contact Technical Support directly via any of the following methods: 

1-855-577-4323 Toll-free

1-781-577-4323 Direct

Latest Discussion Posts

  • Hello Dale Thank you so much for your great answer. Sincerely, Miguel Andrés García CDS Américas | +1-786-7236205 / +593 096114-8947 |<http:""> De: Dale Asher via Rocket Forum <> ...

  • Hello, Thank you so much for your suggestion. I have added the following filter successfully. SALES_PERSON = 'LEE' Have a nice night, Miguel ------------------------------ Miguel Garcia - Partner IT Specialist CDS Americas Quito - Pichincha ...

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  • Hi, I have created a support ticket -> Case: 00964528 Cheers, Dominique ------------------------------ Dominique Gillette Rocket Forum Shared Account ------------------------------

  • We've made some strides in the Installation/Upgrade of our newer Rocket DevOps portal (RDOp). From the inclusion of more requisite packages to better message handling, the process has made it much easier to install or upgrade the portal on the IBM i ...

  • Highlight: We generally recommend that the LMe/SS database be verified for every upgrade (Free of charge). The purpose of the Verification is to check your database for errors and supply you with the recommended SQL and best upgrade path. You may ...


  • RDOi - Host PTF requirement - IBM i V7R4

    May 20th, 2024 Rocket DevOps core for IBM i v10.x (plus LMi 8.6 or earlier versions). For IBM i OS V7R4, recommending customers install IBM PTF ... More
  • RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT Rocket® DevOps v10.3.1 updates for RDOe|i|portal|test and VS Code

    RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT Rocket® DevOps core for IBM i 10.3 (PTF1), Rocket® DevOps portal 10.3.1, Rocket® DevOps test 10.3.1, Rocket® DevOps extension for ... More
  • RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT Rocket® DevOps v10.3.x Core for IBM i and Enterprise, portal|test and VS Code

    RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT Rocket® DevOps core for IBM i and Enterprise 10.3, Rocket® DevOps portal 10.3, Rocket® DevOps test 10.3, and Rocket® DevOps extension ... More