Hi all, I’m very pleased to announce the availability of extend 10.5.1. This release is the first product update for extend 10.5 and importantly carries with it our commitment of continued support for extend customers. This latest edition of extend enables ACUCOBOL ...
I wrote this text in part using GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, I reviewed, edited, and revised the language to my own liking and take ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication. This was an interesting experience, one that...
There are many drivers for those pursuing a new career in Information Technology . For some, the lure of working within an industry undergoing continual change, new challenges, and fast paced innovation, fuels that ambition. For others, it’s the quest to create the new—and the change that will...
We'll be at the GSE UK November 1-3 and we hope to see you there! Put your racing skills to the test to win some very cool Jaguar TCS Racing gear. Meet with your friendly Micro Focus team to learn about how we can help your mainframe applications become their best selves with the least cost...
*** Updated 18th of August 2022 with the availability of Enterprise Server and Enterprise Test Server on the marketplace *** As organizations around the world continue to leverage their journey to cloud , Micro Focus continue to support this journey. Two years ago, we announced the...