I have this error trying to install LMe 6.7 I have the recommended space on all partitions, but the FS of /tmp tells me that it is too small. This is how the disk is partitioned, it should be noted that ...
hi SUBROUTINE TEST(RESULT, VALS) * RESULT MV'ED 1/0 if sv contains VALS comma separated CONVERT ',' TO @AM IN VALS TESTINGFIELD = 1 ;* fixme TESTING = @RECORD NBMV = DCOUNT( TESTING,@VM) ;* define the ...
Here is a record sample: The TESTING column is a multi-valued list, and the pipes represent actual SVMs for readability. I'm looking for a function that will return an associated boolean list indicating ...
Hector, UniObjects does not check or use the personal profile information of the user who is connecting. It is based on the environment variables of the session that started the unirpcd daemon. You can ...
Each patch contains all prior patches, so you only need to install 19. Note that the instructions for the patch (the accompanying HTML file) list the wrong filename for the patch (format difference). Substitute ...
Hi Hector, This doesn't answer your exact question, but... another way to access the UV release level is via CT VOC RELLEVEL This can be done via a UOPY command that doesn't require shelling out (and so ...
back with another question, hopefully this is the last one! when we downloaded d3 linux 10.3.4 there were also three patch files available, 17, 18, & 19 is this a situation where patch 19 contains all ...
Hector, Please check the default system-wide PATH - on Linux this is probably in /etc/environment, though bash will default if it is not set to /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:. ...
I recommend changing "enforcing" to "disabled", then a D3 shutdown, then a Linux reboot.
@ Brian Cram (sorry i can't find the 'reply' button) "does it show as 'enforcing'?" yes it does, selinux is active on this system i take it we need to set up some sort of selinux policy to allow TLLicMgr ...
cat /etc/selinux/config Does it show as "enforcing"?
Hi all I have some problems when connecting to servers using uopy, as the PATH variable is wrong. From the terminal console: >SH -c "echo $PATH" /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/uv/bin ...
i'm working on a fresh install of almalinux 9.4 and d3 10.3.4, setting up a new box that we plan to migrate a much older d3 install onto within the next month or so. i don't have a ton of experience with ...
What output do you get if you enter 'env' after issuing the SH command? I just did a test and after setting 'PS1', the value is carried forward after starting a uvsh process and entering SH. heyecho $PS1 ...
Did you try >COMO OFF then >SH? How about >CT VOC SH and from aix, "which ksh"?
Hi everyone, I have a client with a successful D3 10.3 Linux installation who needs to meet auditing requirements by testing their Disaster Recovery (DR) procedure. The DR test is an annual event where ...
I've noticed a similar thing with bash from Unidata. Not sure if this is a workaround for you, but "bash -i" for an interactive shell works for me. I'm not sure if the U2 system is to blame here, or if ...
I am running AIX and ksh. At the AIX prompt, I have: AIX $ which matches the value for PS1 PS1='AIX $ ' when I issue the SH command from Universe, I get to the host system. I can issue AIX commands (without ...
To make it easy, just use UniData command DIR(FilePath). Check out my version here: https://www.dagconsulting.com/GET_DIR_INFO.txt I use it as an I-Descriptor on the _PH_ file (any DIR type file will work) ...