Rocket Terminal Emulator

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  • 1.  Issue on script used within 7.1 not running well on 10.1

    Posted 06-03-2022 10:44
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    I have this coding who do not work anymore on 10.1 BlueZone new release from current 7.1.

    It says can't ActiveX component can't create object on line 3

    Function getAuthenticator
    Dim objAuthenticator as Object
    SET objAuthenticator = createObject("SSOCom.SSOHelper")
    SET getAuthenticator = objAuthenticator

    End Function

    There is the full Script
    Sub Main
    Dim Sessions As Object
    Dim System As Object
    Set System = CreateObject("BlueZone.System") ' Gets the system object 'modified by BlueZone Script Converter 6/4/2018 4:05:45 PM
    Set Sessions = System.Sessions

    if System.ActiveSession Is Nothing then
    MsgBox "You must have an open session to run the macro."
    end if

    'create the necessary Session and Authenticator objects
    Dim sess as Object, objAuthenticator as Object

    Set sess = System.ActiveSession

    SET objAuthenticator = getAuthenticator()
    IF objAuthenticator IS NOTHING THEN
    END IF

    sess.Screen.WaitForString "Entry Validation", 1, 33

    sess.Screen.SendKeys "<Pf3>"


    sess.Screen.MoveTo 1, 2
    sess.Screen.PutString "PESN"

    sess.Screen.SendKeys "<Enter>"

    sess.Screen.WaitForString "STATUS:", 1, 2

    IF not performAuthentication ( System, sess, objAuthenticator) THEN
    handleError (3)
    end if

    End Sub

    Function getAuthenticator
    Dim objAuthenticator as Object
    SET objAuthenticator = createObject("SSOCom.SSOHelper")
    SET getAuthenticator = objAuthenticator

    End Function

    FUNCTION performAuthentication(objSys as Object, objSession as Object, objAuthenticator as Object)
    Dim objScreen as Object
    Set objScreen = objSession.Screen
    'call objScreen.WaitHostQuiet(100)

    Dim tok, pagetok, subtok, fldbuffer
    Dim fldvalue As String

    'lire valeur dans l'écran
    fldvalue = Trim(objSession.Screen.GetString(1,18,fldbuffer))
    'fldvalue = "RestrictedKrbHost/ldapwp"
    'MsgBox "fldvalue is <" &fldvalue & ">"

    tok = objAuthenticator.GenerateInitialContext (fldvalue)

    Dim i,j,start, lineno, length, linesperpage, pageCount

    length = 78
    linesperpage = 20
    pageCount = Int(Len(tok)/length/linesperpage) + 1

    'MsgBox "Len(tok):" & Len(tok) & " pageCount:" & pageCount

    'MsgBox "tok:" & tok

    'if (0=1) then

    for j=0 to pageCount-1

    pagestart = 1 + (j * linesperpage * length)
    pagelength = linesperpage * length
    pageleft = (pageCount - j - 1)
    pagetok = Mid (tok, pagestart , pagelength )

    objScreen.MoveTo 2, 8
    objScreen.PutString pageleft

    'MsgBox "Current Page: " & (j + 1) & " Page(s) left: " & pageleft

    for i=0 to Int(Len(pagetok)/length)
    start = 1 + i * length
    lineno = 3 + i
    subtok = Mid (pagetok, start, length)
    objScreen.MoveTo lineno, 2
    'MsgBox lineno & "|" & start & "|" & subtok
    objScreen.PutString subtok

    objScreen.SendKeys "<Enter>"

    ' if (pageleft>0) THEN
    ' 'retrieve a new instance of a Waits collection object
    ' Dim waits as Object
    ' Set waits = objSys.Waits
    ' 'declare several object variables
    ' Dim w1 as Object
    ' 'Call methods to retrieve wait-type objects.
    ' 'Note that it is crucial to use the "Set obj = " syntax
    ' 'when making these calls otherwise wait-type objects
    ' 'will not be returned, and the methods will wait synchronously,
    ' 'in the order in which they were called
    ' Set w1 = objSession.Screen.WaitForString(" ", 2, 8)
    ' 'add the wait-type objects to the Waits collection object
    ' id1 = waits.Add(w1)
    ' 'Wait for up to a minute to see which event occurs first
    ' retval = waits.Wait(100)
    ' 'Figure out which wait-type object fired its event,
    ' 'causing the Wait method to return
    ' Select Case retval
    ' case id1
    ' 'MsgBox "String we waited for was found!"
    ' case 0
    ' 'MsgBox "Timed-out while waiting for an event!"
    ' End Select
    ' END IF


    ' END IF

    performAuthentication = true

    SUB handleError(errno)
    MsgBox "Error # " & CStr(errno)

    Richard Guimond
    Team Lead
    CGI Group Inc
    Montreal QC CA

  • 2.  RE: Issue on script used within 7.1 not running well on 10.1
    Best Answer

    Posted 06-05-2022 12:09
    No replies, thread closed.
    I've found that I've installed X(64) instead of X(86).

    The script is made for 32 bits

    Richard Guimond
    Team Lead
    CGI Group Inc
    Montreal QC CA