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Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-011 Released

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  • 1.  Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-011 Released

    Posted 12-07-2022 04:42
    Edited by Community Manager 12-07-2022 05:00
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    Patch 10.4.02-011


    Product availability Matrix (PAM)
    Downloads of this patch are available from the Rocket Customer Support Portal.
    Further explanation can be found here.

    New Feature(s)

    • Sentinel is upgraded to version 10 for AIX and iSeries platforms.


    • Uniface now supports RedHat 9 platform (LIG)


    UNI-31478 Returning a string is causing a Uniface crash when trying to exit from the try/endtry block when you are in debug mode and there are watch variables
    UNI-31056 Opening printer tab in setup form will cause crash when there are already logical printers defined.
    UNI-30811 Compiling many components might cause a crash
    UNI-30115 Some statements (e.g. done or macro) cause a Uniface crash, in debug mode, when trying to exit a try/catch/endtry block.
    UNI-29461 Uniface DB2 connector U4.1 for DB2 11 on Windows: mappings exceed limitations DB2 SQL

    UNI-31478  -  Returning a string is causing a Uniface crash when trying to exit from the try/endtry block when you are in debug mode and there are watch variables

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-011


    When you return a string inside a try/endtry block, and are in debug mode using watch variables, Uniface IDE will crash.


    +Uniface: Version 10
    +Operating System: OS independent
    +Database: DBMS independent




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    UNI-31056  -  Opening printer tab in setup form will cause crash when there are already logical printers defined.

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-011, 10.3.03-032


    Opening printer tab in setup form will cause crash when there are already logical printers defined.

    How to reproduce:
    In case there are no logical printers yet:
    Open the Uniface application 
    Click in the upper left corner on setup
    Click on the tab page called printer
    Add a printer (this is called a logical printer definition).
    Close the Uniface application.

    Open the Uniface application 
    Click in the upper left corner on setup
    Click on the tab page called printer

    Expected :
    Logical printers are shown

    The Uniface application crashes since Uniface version 10.3.03-023 and Uniface version 10.4.02-002. 
    The Uniface version 10.303-022 and the Uniface version 10.4.02-001 do not crash.


    +Uniface version:
    +Platform: WIN




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    UNI-30811  -  Compiling many components might cause a crash

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-011


    Compiling many components with Uniface 10.4.02 might cause a crash. This issue does not occur with version 10.4.01 (or lower).

    When trying to compile all the components of a large repository with several thousand components (using e.g. /cpt /war) might cause a crash. When compiling the component that seems to cause the crash separately then this will work fine. Splitting the compilation into different batches using a profile seems to mitigate the problem as well (at least in some cases).


    + Uniface version: 10.4.02
    + Platform: WIN


    Compile in smaller batches.


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    UNI-30115  -  Some statements (e.g. done or macro) cause a Uniface crash, in debug mode, when trying to exit a try/catch/endtry block.

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-011


    When you exit from the module try/catch/finally, by using done or macro statement in debug mode, Uniface will crash.


    +Uniface: Version 10
    +Operating System: OS independent
    +Database: DBMS independent




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    UNI-29461  -  Uniface DB2 connector U4.1 for DB2 11 on Windows: mappings exceed limitations DB2 SQL

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-011


    Uniface DB2 connector U4.1 for DB2 11 on Windows: mappings exceed limitations DB2 SQL

    A link to DB2 documentation:

    One can find
    Maximum length of GRAPHIC (in double-byte characters or CODEUNITS16) 127
    Maximum length of GRAPHIC (in CODEUNITS32) 63 

    Where as Uniface, as documented in the Uniface library: 
    DBMS Support > Database Connectors > DB2 > DB2 Data Packing
    does not take into account DB2 limitations.

    This makes DB2 unusable as repository for the IDE when a Unicode database is used.

    For example UAPPL has field UDESCR with packing code W256.

    /gensql /meta createtable *.dict db2

    on Unicode (1208) database , $DEF_CHARSET=UTF8


    which will give error

    Generates an invalid script for this DBMS and raises error -604 A DATA TYPE DEFINITION SPECIFIES AN INVALID ATTRIBUTE SUCH AS LENGTH, PRECISION, OR SCALE ATTRIBUTE due to graphic(256), as seems value bigger than 127 is not allowed when trying to run the script.


    + Uniface Version : Uniface 10
    + Operating System : OS independent
    + DBMS: DB2 U4.1




    This problem has been solved.

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