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Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-018 Released

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  • 1.  Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-018 Released

    Posted 03-15-2023 07:12
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    Product availability Matrix (PAM)
    Downloads of this patch are available from the Rocket Customer Support Portal.
    Further explanation can be found here.


    • OpenSSL updated from 1.1.1n to 1.1.1t

    • Add support for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 on Linux (LIF, LU8).


    UNI-7688Warnings 1090 and 1091 should list qualified entity names

    UNI-7688  -  Warnings 1090 and 1091 should list qualified entity names

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-039, 10.4.02-018


    When compiling an entity with information level set to warning (e.g. /con /war * from the command line), warnings 1090 and 1091 may be reported. These warnings report entities without model name (or suffix in Uniface 10 speak).


    warning: 1090 - Foreign key relationship UVS -> UVR does not have enough fields.
    warning: 1091 - Foreign key relationship HCS -> HOD has too many fields.

    Formally, in Uniface 10 this is no longer a valid name syntax, but practically, an incomplete name makes them hard to find in large repositories with multiple models (or suffix groups).


    +Uniface: Version 10
    +Operating System: OS independent
    +Database: DBMS independent




    This problem is solved.

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