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Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-049 Released

  • 1.  Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-049 Released

    Posted 05-22-2024 04:00
    Edited by Community Manager 05-22-2024 12:14

    Patch 10.4.02-049


    Product availability Matrix (PAM)
    Downloads of this patch are available from the Rocket Customer Support Portal.
    Further explanation can be found here.

    New Feature(s)

    • Uniface UX text field, number field, text area and select support a new property 'label-position' allowing you to specify if the label is positioned above, below, before or after the widget. The default is 'above'.


    • OpenSSL upgraded from 1.1.1t to 1.1.1w
    • Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 on Red Hat Linux 9 and Oracle Linux 9 (LIG)


    UNI-37474 Problems in production systems when the 'stmtcache:on' connector option is used for the Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL database.
    UNI-37042 Popup Windows with relative positions may be rendered outside the screen's borders, making their content unreachable.

    UNI-37474  -  Problems in production systems when the 'stmtcache:on' connector option is used for the Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL database.

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-049


    In version a change was introduced that enables statement caching for the MSS and PGS database connectors. In rare, however serious, cases the caching mechanism causes the application to go in error.


    + Uniface version:
    + Database: MSS, PGS


    You can switch off the stmtcache option.


    The statement caching fix is reverted.

    NOTE: We are planning to revisit the performance issues reported earlier when statement caching can no longer be set for the PGS and MSS databases.

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    UNI-37042  -  Popup Windows with relative positions may be rendered outside the screen's borders, making their content unreachable.

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-049


    When the sum of a popup's size and position exceeds the screen's resolution, Uniface tries to flip the popup, so that the popup completely fits within the screen. If the popup still cannot fit after flipping, then Uniface will choose not to flip. The popup is then partly invisible, and not all content can be accessed. The popup will now be centered if flipping is not an option. The centering only occurs on the problematic axis, meaning that the popup may be centered horizontally, vertically, or both.


    + Uniface version: 10.x
    + Operating System: Windows


    There is no workaround.


    The issue has been resolved.

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