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New Feature(s)
- The maximum number of characters allowed for Entry Formats, RegEx or Syntax string, in Field Syntax Definitions is extended
to 192. Note that the total number of characters used for Field Syntax definitions can not exceed 192 characters.
- Label position property can now be set using the IDE Widget Property form for UX Widgets: TextField, NumberField, TextArea and Select.
It is advised to use the patch installer to upgrade your current installation so that you'll end up with the correct ini files.
- The IDE's Code Editor auto-complete suggestions will no longer be accepted using the "Enter" key, suggestions can still be
auto-filled using the "Tab" key. The use of the "Enter" key for auto-completion can be re-activated by setting CompletionOnEnter=true in your '.ini' file, under the usrcedit widget, like e.g.: SourceEdit=usrcedit(font=procboxfont;language=uniface;indenttabs=off;autoindent=on;indentsize=2;indentguides=off; codecompletion=true;codecompletionheight=10;completiononenter=true)
UNI-38408 |
The IDE's Code Editor formatting tool sometimes fails to recognize keywords. |
UNI-38025 |
The code formatting tool of the IDE's code editor does not recognize keywords that are immediately followed by parentheses. |
UNI-37837 |
The "Format Document" action of the IDE's code editor does not properly handle the caret's location, nor does a subsequent "Undo" action. |
UNI-38408 - The IDE's Code Editor formatting tool sometimes fails to recognize keywords.
Solution available in patch(es): 10.4.02-051
The formatting tool may fail to recognize keywords in the following cases.
1) When forentity is used.
2) When forlist/id is used.
3) When a comment is placed next to a statement, without any white-space in between.
+Uniface version: 10.4.02.x
+Operating System: Windows
Use of the formatting tool is optional. In the above cases, code can be formatted manually.
The issues have been resolved.
UNI-38025 - The code formatting tool of the IDE's code editor does not recognize keywords that are immediately followed by parentheses.
Solution available in patch(es): 10.4.02-051
The code formatting tool of the IDE's code editor does not recognize keywords that do not have white space between the statement and the left parenthesis '('. This leads to broken indentation in nested statements.
+Uniface version: 10.4.02.x
+Operating System: Windows
Add whitespace between statements and left parentheses '(' before using the code formatting tool.
The issue has been resolved.
UNI-37837 - The "Format Document" action of the IDE's code editor does not properly handle the caret's location, nor does a subsequent "Undo" action.
Solution available in patch(es): 10.4.02-051
After executing "Format Document" on the IDE's code editor, the caret is returned to the first line of code. Executing the "Undo" action, will then cause a jump to the end of the code. This effect is unpleasant. The expectation is that the caret will stay near the last known location after executing "Format Document" and a subsequent "Undo" action.
+Uniface version: 10.4.02.x
+Operating System: Windows
The use of "Format Document" is optional.
The issue has been resolved.
Scrolling is now restored after the execution of "Format Document". The caret will appear at the beginning of the line of the last known caret's location. If lines are added, removed, merged, or modified by the code formatting tool, then the caret will appear near the starting position. When hitting "Undo" after "Format Document", then the caret's last known position will be restored.