Hi everyone,
I have a client with a successful D3 10.3 Linux installation who needs to meet auditing requirements by testing their Disaster Recovery (DR) procedure. The DR test is an annual event where they spin up a Linux server with a D3 instance and restore their database and applications.
Rocket's policy, as outlined in the Rocket MV End User Handbook (page 28), states that when running D3 in a High Availability/Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) setup, matching licenses with unique serial numbers and identical configurations are required. This includes scenarios like using U2 Replication or any secondary mechanisms for failover, all of which need additional licenses.
My client is resistant to replicating their D3 Production environment and is also hesitant about the alternative solution of maintaining a separate D3 machine with minimal configuration. They’ve pointed out that Oracle allows a separate server setup "for the duration of their DR testing" free of charge.
I'm reaching out to the group to see if anyone has encountered a similar situation. How have you approached this, and what solutions have you found to be fair and effective?
Thanks in advance for your insights!