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 LISTU Return Data

John Israel's profile image
John Israel posted 11-05-2024 15:29

We are running SB on UniData on Linux.  There is a command in SB called LISTU.  It beings back:

Port, Pid, Account Name, SB+ User, NT User, Login Date/Time

Questions are:

1) Where does it get the Account Name?  I have found this to not be 100% correct, but still want to know.

2) Where does it get the SB+ User?  Again, this is not always correct, so what is it doing?

Manu Fernandes's profile image
Manu Fernandes


  • use /UPDATE.ACCOUNT which edit account name entry in DMACCOUNTS file.
  • use /SEC.USER.SETUP (sb+, Security/UserSecuritySetup/ShortName) ; stored into DMSECURITY ~sbuserid ; which is copied into DMSECURITY  $PORT@port when sb.login is done.


John Israel's profile image
John Israel

I am aware of those.  That is not what I am looking for.  Let me try again.

If I type /LISTU from within SB, I get something like this:

Red: Under the "Account Name", how does it know which account a user is in?
Yellow: Under the "NT user"  (which I assume in the Linux user id), there are 8 rbadmin sessions.  Why is one tied to ISRAEJR and one tied to ICNUSER???  Why are they all not the same?
Manu Fernandes's profile image
Manu Fernandes


SB use LISTU of udt/uv to define on which account users works.

About sbuser, it's set when the session start (sb.login,...).


Mark Shannon's profile image
Mark Shannon

Hello John,

SB /LISTU gets the Account Name and SB+ User from a temporary DMSECURITY record for the port; $PASS:@PORT

These temporary records can get out of sync due to abnormal session terminations.

Try running the /CLEAN.SYSTEM process when all users are off the system.

Running the /CLEAN.SYSTEM process is recommended as part of your regular after-hours system maintenance.

Thanks, Mark.