Manu Thanks, but I'd already tried that.
John, this is a new phenomenon, I have three users out of over 100 with the problem and its only occurred in the last few days.
it shows at Login, what is weird that the Menu text does appear momentarily
We are still on 6.3.1 as i was advised that is the latest SB Client for our Universe Version 11.3.5, we are running this on Windows 2019 Server, apparently i was told SBC 6.5.2 was not compatible without upgrading Universe and I think it would create an SB Client Licence Issue, also our ERP system (from K3 written in SB Plus and Basic) has not been tested against anything newer than we are on, so i think we are stuck in a time warp.
is there a new version of SB Client that works with UV 11.3.5 ??
But as this is a new problem, i think something has been changed, I'm guessing Windows update, but have no proof and secondly am worried that it will show up on other users Pc's, its useful feature when working that the users make extensive use off
I'll get one of my team to get me access to virgin PC and see if it works normally on a new install. I'll also check if LOGTO to Demo makes any difference
BTW, all the endpoints are Windows 10 PRO