Rocket® Visual COBOL (formerly a Micro Focus® product)

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Welcome to the  Rocket® Visual COBOL forum!

Whether you’re an experienced developer modernizing COBOL applications or just beginning your journey with Visual COBOL, this community is here to support, connect, and inspire you.

Dive in to ask questions, share your expertise, and celebrate your milestones. Collaboration is at the heart of this community, and your insights play a vital role in helping everyone unlock new possibilities.

To see more community content, please register or log in.

Here to help: your community support team

Got questions, feedback, or ideas? Contact your dedicated community support team!

Rocket® Visual COBOL Community Moderator

Rocket® Visual COBOL Community Moderator (overlooks product-related inquiries)

Christopher Glazier, Principal Technical Support Specialist

Rocket Forum Manager

Rocket Forum Manager (overlooks the whole community platform)

Martyna Uleviciute, Customer Community Manager